NTU Presidential Award × 2 semesters
The award is given to students ranking within the top 5% of their class.
The award is given to students ranking within the top 5% of their class.
The scholarship is sponsored by the TSMC-NTU Joint Reasearch Center.
The scholarship is granted by the Graduate Institute of Electroncis Engineering (GIEE).
This is a nationwide ML competition hosted by Taiwan Ministry of Science and Technology.
The CADathlon is a challenging programming competition co-located with ICCAD.
The CIEE Thesis award is one of the most prestigious awards for graduate students in Taiwan.
The Lam Research Awards are presented to students with outstanding theses in STEM field.
The IICM Thesis Awards are given to grad students that had done execellent work in the field of computing machinary.
This is an international contest organized by the IWLS committee.
This is one of my undergraduate course project.
This is a nationwide ML competition hosted by Taiwan Ministry of Science and Technology.
The related paper was accepted by ICCAD 2019.
The related paper was accepted by DAC 2020.
This is the topic of the IWLS 2020 Programming Contest.
The project originated from the problem A of the ICCAD 2020 CAD Contest.
This is the topic of the IWLS 2021 Programming Contest.
Published in Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD), 2019
Time-frame folding is formulated as the reverse operation of time-frame expansion. This method has the ability in circuit size compaction and applications in logic synthesis domains.
Recommended citation: P.-C. Chien and J.-H. R. Jiang, "Time-frame Folding: Back to the Sequentiality," in Proc. ICCAD, 2019.
Published in National Taiwan University Library, 2020
This is my Master’s Thesis and is the extended research of the ICCAD 2019 paper and DAC 2020 paper.
Recommended citation: P.-C. Chien, "Circuit Folding: From Combinational to Sequential Circuits," Master's Thesis, National Taiwan University, 2020.
Published in Proceedings of the Design Automation Conference (DAC), 2020
The structural and functional circuit folding methods are proposed to address time multiplexing in multi-FPGA system. These methods may potentially help alleviate the bottleneck of limited inter-chip I/O bandwidth.
Recommended citation: P.-C. Chien and J.-H. R. Jiang, "Time Multiplexing via Circuit Folding," in Proc. DAC, 2020.
Published in Proceedings of the Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference (DATE), 2021
This paper presents learning incompletely-specified functions based on the results of a competition conducted at IWLS 2020.
Recommended citation: S. Rai et al., "Logic Synthesis Meets Machine Learning: Trading Exactness for Generalization," in Proc. DATE, 2021.
Published in Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD), 2021
This paper presents our winning method of the 2020 ICCAD CAD Contest based on X-value preserving dual-rail encoding and incremental identification of compatible equivalence relation.
Recommended citation: Y.-N. Wang, Y.-R. Luo, P.-C. Chien, P.-L. Wang, H.-R. Wang, W.-H. Lin, J.-H. R. Jiang and C.-Y. R. Huang, "Compatible Equivalence Checking of X-Valued Circuits," in Proc. ICCAD, 2021. To appear.